Miss Emmy - the teacher's helper during the first summer session of school - gave me a CD with these fun pictures of Joseph. Joseph has loved preschool and will miss it (so will mama). It's been wonderful watching him thrive socially and making great little friends.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
school days
Posted by Emilie at 2:25 PM 0 comments
haircuts and firetrucks
Joseph went for his last before-we-move haircut yesterday after school. As soon as I picked him up I told him that we were going to see Miss Alison. He said "and firetrucks!" This is the benefit of having a stylist whose boyfriend is a firefighter. . . added benefit that salon and fire station are 2 blocks apart.

Posted by Emilie at 10:52 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
It's Official!!!!!
The Swearingen Family is moving to. . . . Little Rock! Christopher has accepted a faculty position at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Biostatistics! We had a couple of great job offers in the DC area and the most tempting part was the friends/family we have in that area. When it came down to it, the Little Rock offer was much better and the job itself is exactly what Christopher has wanted. So - we're packing up and heading west!
Posted by Emilie at 10:59 AM 2 comments
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Dr. Christopher Swearingen, PhD
Posted by Emilie at 3:12 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
It's a little small
Posted by Emilie at 7:37 AM 0 comments
The first post regarding things we'll miss about Charleston
In no particular order. . . .
On Saturday we went up to McClellanville to visit Chris & Linda McClellan. We are so blessed to have been adopted by them since we moved here. Chris was an elder at our church and Linda and I co-taught the high school girls Christian Ed class until they were called to attend a church closer to their home. They have been wonderful mentors. I have created wedding dresses for two of their daughters-in-law. Their youngest son, Matthew, lived in the upstairs of our duplex for awhile. They were at the hospital waiting with my parents when Joseph was born. We will truly miss their whole amazing, crazy family.
Joseph knows exactly where Grandma Linda keeps the toys . . . in a wicker basket under her bed. Grandpa Fuzzy gave Joseph a toy he doesn't know about yet. . and won't for awhile. It's a Red Ryder BB Gun and it's in the closet.
Posted by Emilie at 7:29 AM 0 comments
good-bye party
We went to a good-bye party last night. Not for us. For the Scheers. Their son, Connor, and Joseph are about 8 months apart and are buddies at church. I was so glad that I was able to sing next to Dara in the choir one last time last Sunday morning . . . not that either of us was able to do it without some tears. Especially when sweet Connor decided that he'd rather be with his mom and joined us up front. I wish I would have gotten a picture of Connor and "Big Joe" hugging each other last night and saying "I'll miss you!"
The highlight of the evening though, was finding Joseph and little Miss Abby Koch rolling around on the futon tickling each other. They were adorable and having so much fun. I was smiling at how cute it was until I realized that if I catch them doing that in ten years there will be big trouble.
Posted by Emilie at 7:24 AM 0 comments
The second-to-last road that we drive on to get to school every morning has five speed bumps. Joseph knows exactly where they are and we have the following conversation.
J - "here it comes! One bump!"
Me - "yes sir - get ready!"
J - "here it comes! Two bump!"
Me - "yes sir - second bump."
this continues through all five bumps. The best conversation about the bumps, however, was the one we had the first day. . . . .
J - giggling in the back seat
Me - "Joseph, what's so funny?"
J - "this road is silly!"
Posted by Emilie at 6:56 AM 0 comments
Favorite Song
This weekend "Mamma Mia!" premiered on HBO. Yes, this movie is still Joseph's current favorite. Yes, we watch it on DVD several times a week. So why would the HBO premiere be so exciting? I have no idea. But it was. Very exciting.
"Mama! Mama! Mama! Mama! Mamma Mia is on TV. Mama! Mama! Mama! It's Mamma Mia!!!!!!"
He was equally excited when it was on TV again the next day. And then when the actual "Mamma Mia!" song was about to begin . . . .
"Here it comes! My favorite song!"
Posted by Emilie at 6:53 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 17, 2009
Take me out to the ballgame
It was MUSC night at the Riverdogs last night so we took little Joe out to "The Joe" to see the game. We left about half-way through because of the impending storm and it was Joseph's bedtime. But it was a great night to be at the game!
Posted by Emilie at 4:27 PM 0 comments
While the parents are away
Joseph stayed with Papa & Nana last week. Between the pool, the playground, Katie dog and the great toys. . . . he kept very busy and barely noticed we were gone.
Posted by Emilie at 1:58 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Oh-oh-oh Little Rock
In our quest for our future home, Christopher & I traveled to Little Rock, AR last week via a quick stop in Nashville to drop Joseph off at Papa & Nana's. While Christopher spent many hours in interviews and making his presentation, I scouted out the town. I was more impressed with Little Rock than I thought it would be. It is truly beautiful and unique. Unfortunately, I only took a couple of pictures. These are all downtown on the riverfront. . . . The Pedestrian Bridge and a great new playground.Our options are narrowed down to 2 cities. We will be making an "official" decision soon and will announce it as soon as everything is "signed on the dotted line."
In other (but the same) exciting news - Christopher is scheduled to defend his dissertation next Wednesday (22 July) afternoon.
Posted by Emilie at 9:47 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 6, 2009
Family Fun Weekend - Sunday
Posted by Emilie at 10:57 AM 0 comments