Christopher's parents recently had their hardwoods refinished and, in the process of moving furniture in and out, a leg was broken on their wooden card table. They reordered the card table and when the new one arrived a crack was found on the top. My brilliant husband took the good legs off the new table and attached them to the old top. Voila! We inherited the new, cracked top with the idea of turning it into a Lego table. The boys already have a train table for their room and the thought of two big tables taking up space was, well, yucky.
Here is the before picture of the table top.

Christopher installed casters on the bottom.

I ordered 4 15"x15" Lego base boards for the top. After measuring the space, I taped off the 1" excess on the perimeter.

The table and underside of the base boards were coated with a spray adhesive. Once they were tacky I placed them on the table.

Done! Super easy project. The boys love their new Lego table and it slides easily under the train table.

Bonus - building Legos while laying on your tummy is extra fun. :)