Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Things I will miss
I promised some posts about things I will miss in Little Rock and here is the first one.
I will miss the tree outside our bedroom window. It's a small tree that only blooms for about a week each year. But I absolutely love when it's in bloom with these beautiful pink flowers.
Posted by Emilie at 6:23 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
General Shenanigans
This little one has been crazy busy. . . and mama is busy keeping things out of her reach.
Baby planking over the magazine she demolished.
Pulling herself up and trying to cruise.
This little one is just as much of a mess as his sister.
I usually have him "rest" on my bed while his brother does homework and practices piano. He almost always falls asleep. However, this was a unique position. Don't worry. I didn't leave him this way.
And this big one loves his baby sister almost too much. And she loves to laugh at his antics.
Posted by Emilie at 5:23 PM 0 comments
Memorial Day Weekend
Our Swearingen siblings, niece and nephew came to visit for Memorial Day weekend. We had such a great time with them here. The cousins all got along so well this weekend and it made us extra sad that we'll be moving so much further away.
Jacob and Ava formed a band and had a great time performing for everyone. The kids also had a great time burning off energy in the bounce house.
We also went to a baseball game where the kiddos enjoyed ice cream. . .
. . and running the bases.
After our family headed home, mama and the kiddos headed to the Promenade for a choo choo ride to cap off our fun weekend.
Posted by Emilie at 5:13 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 23, 2014
Counting down
9 more days of school
8 weeks until we move
6 weeks until our baby turns 1!
4 more Sundays at our church
It's all happening so fast
Posted by Emilie at 5:22 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 19, 2014
weekend recap
Friday evening we spent recovering from our busy day. But Saturday morning we were up bright and early and at the soccer fields for our last game of the season!
We got there a little early so Joseph and Jacob had some warm up time before the rest of the team arrived.
Then it was time for the spirit tunnel. The team let Jacob lead them through the tunnel!
He was so excited to be a part of it and then slightly devastated that he didn't actually get to play.
The Hurricanes played great and had their first shut-out of the season. Way to end the year on a high-note boys!
I don't have a lot of pictures of our Sunday activities - but did manage to take a pic of the kiddos dressed up before church in the morning.
When we got home daddy fried up some delicious chicken for lunch and then it was naptime for everyone. In the evening we went out to dinner with Joseph's soccer team and then headed to church for the awards ceremony. We have already signed the boys up for a league in CA that will begin practices in July. Jacob is very excited about being able to play again.
Posted by Emilie at 10:59 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Almost the end . . .
The boys have 3 weeks left of school and the end-of-the-year festivities are in full-swing. Yesterday morning we attending Jacob's graduation ceremony. The boys' preschool always does a great job with their events and this was no exception.
Denbigh was excited about the graduation.
First the kiddos came in by classes and all had part in various aspects of the ceremony.
I will try to post a video of Jacob's part later.
After the kids' performances, they exited to prepare for graduation, and the parents watched a slide show.

Then the big moment!!!
Receiving his diploma from Ms. Ethel - one of our favorite teachers.
Jacob with Ms. Pat - his teacher this year.
We will be so sad to leave this school and the amazing teachers who have loved our boys so well.
After graduation Denbigh and Mama headed home for a quick change and then headed over to Joseph's school for Field Day for the rest of the day.
We missed the first several events but got there in time for about 5 different relay stops and the big kick-ball game.
Here Joseph and his "best buddy" Parker are passing a balloon with their elbows.
And here they are doing the robot by the DJ stand.
In addition to the various relays, there were jump castles, a tattoo booth, photo booth, guessing contests and they finished with popcorn and ici-pops for all the kids watching the 5th Graders vs. Faculty kick-ball game. We are going to miss this school too.
Posted by Emilie at 7:43 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 11, 2014
piano lessons
Joseph has been taking piano lessons for almost a year now and has come a long way! This morning he wanted me to record him playing.
Posted by Emilie at 11:54 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
special treats
Jacob is "Frog Friend" this week which means he gets to take a movie and treats for his friends on Friday. He has been on a 101 Dalmatians kick lately so he is excited to take these goodies to school.
This week is also Teacher Appreciation Week at Joseph's school. Everyday they have been doing something special for the teachers and tomorrow they are supposed to take their teacher's favorite treat.
Posted by Emilie at 7:58 PM 0 comments
Mother's Day Brunch
Jacob's class hosted a Mother's Day Brunch at school this morning.
The dads prepared/bought the food for the moms to eat. Daddy made egg casserole and sausage pinwheels. It was so yummy!
This is apparently Jacob's favorite dress-up costume at school.
So cute!
Love my Jake Jake.
Jacob made a special gift for me.
Posted by Emilie at 7:49 PM 0 comments
Birthday Basket of Sunshine
Joseph's teacher's birthday was on Tuesday so the room moms organized a "Birthday Basket of Sunshine" for her. We asked the students to bring in something yellow or a cash donation for a gift card. Thanks to the great response, our basket looked awesome!
We also surprised Ms. Fields with cupcakes.
Joseph and his "BFF" Parker
Posted by Emilie at 7:46 PM 0 comments
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