Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Summer Vacation - Day 17

As I said - we had to get creative yesterday.  Everyone was pretty cranky.
We took two boxes (yay for diaper delivery!),
paper plates (used 4 small ones left over from a birthday party and one large one for the steering wheel) and the following accessories

and made some cars.

 They were pretty much a hit and we enjoyed some time at the Drive-In watching the Olympic swimming trials taped from the night before. (side note - we/I are really getting excited about the Olympics!  we/mostly I have already started work on our torches and medals.  More to come on that later.)
 We realized that our cruisers needed some bling so we dug into the sticker stash and had some more fun.


Janna Vandiver said...

Love this idea! We'll have to try it when we get our next diaper delivery.