Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, June 21, 2013

Happy Anniversary

Wednesday we celebrated our 9th anniversary. We celebrated with dinner in a private room at Lulav that evening followed by a trip to Target for Windex and Ant Spray.  Very romantic.  And I have absolutely no pictures of any of that.  Which is ironic since Christopher got me a fancy new camera as an anniversary gift.  (On that note - let me just say that I have have been pretty spoiled rotten by this man lately.  And I mean - spoiled.)

I do have pictures of our afternoon though.  We took the boys to the hospital for a Sibling Prep class.  It's a cute class where they show a fun video and read a story.  They have snacks and walk the kids through holding, touching and diaper-changing a baby.

Doing the Silly Dance.
 Jacob intently diapering his baby.  Before this he attempted to "crash the baby" and "eat the baby."  We will be keeping a close eye on him.
 Joseph is taking his Big Brother role very seriously.  He did a great job diapering his baby.
 He also sweetly held his baby throughout the entire class and I saw him kiss it several times as well.  I know he is going to be such a great helper when his little sister arrives.