All those presents and really all he wanted was a crate. . .
and stairs. . .
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Some other fun Christmas pictures
Posted by Emilie at 3:34 PM 0 comments
If you give a Joe a present
If you give Little Joe some presents . .
Posted by Emilie at 3:18 PM 1 comments
Go Titans
Posted by Emilie at 3:10 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 21, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
To the trained eye . . .
To the observer, this cute boy looks like a sweetly singing angel. But if you look closely you can see the still-intact lamp beside the bed. Then you see Joseph looking at the lamp. I'm pretty sure that the destruction of that lamp later in the day was pre-meditated. I think this would hold up in court. Travis???
Posted by Emilie at 2:58 PM 0 comments
When Joseph wakes up . .
Yes - he almost always wakes up happy . . . usually talking to himself or his puppy.
Posted by Emilie at 2:06 PM 0 comments
One of the many reasons we love living in Charleston . .
The high here today is 81 degrees. I just took Joseph to the grocery store barefooted. He loves his toes.
Posted by Emilie at 1:58 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 10, 2007
You interpret
When I left the living room PBS was on TV and Joseph was playing with his toys. When I came back - CNN was on the TV and Joseph was sitting in chair watching it. ????
Posted by Emilie at 4:33 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Philadelphia - Part 3 - Pictures of the kids
It started snowing a little bit so we bundled up the kids and took them outside to run around a little. They had fun even if it was cold! Up and down the stairs . . . .
And all sorts of other fun games . . . . . dancing,
Posted by Emilie at 12:28 PM 0 comments
Philadelphia - Part 2 (also titled "Up & Down)
Joseph has become very familiar with "up" and "down" . . . . especially after this week.
Example 1 - stairs
Joseph has been able to go upstairs with relative ease for quite some time. It's a good thing we don't have any stairs in our house for him to climb. He loves them - at Gramma & Grampa's, at Nana & Papa's, at church . . . he'll take off up the stairs and then, when he realizes that someone is right behind him, he giggles and goes even faster. However, coming down the stairs is something completely different. He had to always be supervised because he would just step out into the air. Over Thanksgiving at Gramma & Grampa's house he learned how to go down the 2 steps into the family room. The steps are pretty far apart - so he would get on his tummy and scoot down the first step . . . then scoot backwards across the landing and down the second step. Yay - no more baby gate on the family room! In Philadelphia this week he learned how to come down real stairs. The Lendas live in a split-level house and there are about 6 carpeted steps upstairs. Joseph got down on his tummy at the top and scooted all the way down like a pro. Well, until yesterday when he apparently got bored with that and decided that it would be more fun to grab the railing and try to step down. Fortunately he has a momma who still doesn't trust his "advanced" abilities and she was right there to catch him.
Example 2 - airplanes
Between Thanksgiving and the Philly trip - Joseph has found a second home on airplanes recently. He thinks that bouncing back between momma & daddy's seats is soooo much fun. Fortunately, he snuggles up as we're taking off and sleeps the whole trip. The most interesting thing to Joseph about planes? The fact that the windows have shades that go "up" and "down" . . . . and up and down . . . and up and down . . . and up and down. And then the sweet boy falls asleep. yay!
Posted by Emilie at 9:29 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Philadelphia - Part One
Early Sunday morning we got up and headed for the airport. When I say early, I mean we hopped out of bed at 4:30 am. Joseph wasn't so thrilled about the early morning disturbance . . . but in typical good flier fashion . . . . slept all the way to Atlanta and from Atlanta to Philadelphia. The reason for our trip? Christopher had a conference in Atlantic City. Since we were going to be daddy-less anyway, we decided to fly along up and back but stay in Philadelphia with the Lendas.So - Joseph has been enjoying a few days playing with Rose & Pearl. And I've had fun catching up with Rachel. This morning it started to snow and so we bundled everyone up and took them outside. Kids & snow. . . so much fun. Pictures to follow soon.
Posted by Emilie at 12:12 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Oh Christmas Tree. . .
We went and picked up our family Christmas tree on Tuesday evening. Last year we decided we didn't need a tree at our house since we don't actually spend Christmas here. . . and it just didn't feel like the Christmas season. So - now we have our tree. Joseph enjoyed helping pick it out.
Posted by Emilie at 10:00 AM 0 comments