It started snowing a little bit so we bundled up the kids and took them outside to run around a little. They had fun even if it was cold! Up and down the stairs . . . .
And all sorts of other fun games . . . . . dancing,
Rose decided to call Joseph "Joe" . . . all on her own. It was very cute.
Pearl took Joseph by storm and tackled him to the ground on at least one occasion. He wasn't too happy about it at the time but was holding his own by the end.
Pearl was a good influence on Joseph's word count and Rachel (being the experienced mommy) was a good interpreter. She caught a lot of things he's saying that I hadn't picked up on. Although I did hear him say "no touch" plain as day after I said it one time (one of many times).
Joseph sings. I've heard him humming before but we heard him sing couple of bars of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" at lunch one day.
That's it for now I think. Mike, Rachel, Rose & Pearl - thank you so much for entertaining us this week. We had a great visit. Joseph was looking around for the girls this morning when he woke up! :-)
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