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Thursday, September 25, 2008

i've been tagged

by my friend Rachel to fill out the following survey. now - who to tag in return? Christine & Sarah - you're it.

1. How many children do you have? 1

2. What are their ages? Joseph will be 2 on Sunday

3. What time do you start your day? around 7:30. Joseph likes to sleep

4. What do you eat for breakfast? usually an omelet made by Christopher

5. Do your kids watch TV? Yes - Joseph loves Curious George, Mickey Mouse, Super Why and Tigger & Pooh.

6. What are their favorite activities? Joseph loves to read books and drive his cars all over mama.

7. Do you get a break during the day for some you time? I usually try to get work done when Joseph naps but I fit "me time" in when I can.

8. How do you end your day? Usually watching TV with a glass of wine.

9. What is your best parenting advice or tip? I'm not sure I'm really qualified to give out advice. I just have the one and he's getting into his "twos" . . . . I probably need the advice.