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Friday, August 14, 2009

Little Rock

So - we are living in Little Rock now. We left Charleston last Friday after watching the movers load our stuff all day. Quite honestly, it would have been much quicker for us (and sweet friends) to load up a truck and head out. But in the long run, having movers is a good thing. First of all - we didn't have to drive separately to Little Rock. We just loaded up our car and left. Secondly - the movers came by our apartment with a special load of things we'll need for the next month or so and put everything else in storage. Thirdly - the hospital was billed for everything. But I will say that moving day was one of the longest in history. Especially in light of the fact that we found out they were coming the evening before while at dinner. So Christopher & I stayed up late and rose early to get all those final things in boxes. I took Joseph for his final day of school and when I brought him home, the movers were there. This freaked him out a little bit even though we had talked quite a bit about it. By the time the movers were done (7 pm) we had decided it was too late to try to drive to Nashville that night. So we stayed in Augusta and then only had about 5 hours to drive on Saturday. We spent Saturday and Sunday in Nashville with Christopher's family and got to our corporate apartment in Little Rock on Monday afternoon. This week we've been busy getting settled, house hunting and becoming acquainted with our new town.

This move has been surreal in many ways . . . especially since it feels a bit like we're on a vacation of sorts. Christopher starts his new job on Monday and I'm sure reality will start to soak in soon.