Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Latest words:

Teeth (usually in reference to brushing)
Y, Z (at the conclusion of singing the ABCs)
Poop (in reference to . . . well. . . poop)

The most frequently used words are still "Dada" and "Uhoh". . . . .

When I shake my finger and say "no, no, no" . . . Joseph now shakes his finger and says "dada, dada, dada"

As reported by the nursery workers after the Valentine's Dinner & Dance at church Saturday evening, when a boy about twice as old and as big as Joseph was being rough and fell right on top of Joseph, Joseph just said "UH-OH" and pushed him off.