Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Other tidbits from the weekend

in no particular order:

1. On the plane ride home - Joseph would stand up on my lap, look back at the rest of the plane and say "hello everybody"

2. Joseph likes to sing but is very picky about what is sung and when. We go through a whole list of options before he'll pick an acceptable one. Currently "Old McDonald had a farm" is acceptable and the "e-i-e-i-o"s are sung enthusiastically

3. The Target store in my parents' town is so much better than our Target stores here. And I found Joseph's favorite ABC puzzle - so now we have back-up pieces. How do they get lost so quickly?

4. Sleeping in the same bed with Joseph is no picnic. Especially not when he thinks that 2 am is prime playtime. Fortunately, when given the option between snuggling with momma and something, errr, a little more painful, he always chooses to snuggle.

5. Fun games on an airplane -
A. sliding the window shade up and down while proclaiming "UP!". . . "DOWN!"

B. waving to cars, trucks, buses, etc. while taxiing to the runway and saying "Bye car! Bye truck! Bye bus!"
C. reading the letters on the back of the tray table in front of you.

6. Joseph loves She-crab soup. That's our Charleston boy!