Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

some tidbits . . .

Joseph -
Joseph has started making our coffee in the mornings.  How awesome is that??!!  He gets our favorite mugs out of the dishwasher, starts the Keurig, loads the pods and makes us each a steaming cup of Morning Joe.  He doesn't quite have the balance to bring it to us in bed but we will work on that. I love the joy he has in serving us this way.  What a sweetheart!

Jacob -
Jacob missed the last day of soccer and so a friend picked up his medal and brought it to us today.  He was so excited about getting his medal and proudly showed it off to his big brother.  Joseph immediately asked why he didn't receive a medal when he played soccer.  I explained that it was a different league and that his league didn't hand out medals.  This didn't make him any happier.  Jacob, without hesitating, took off his medal and handed it to his brother and said "I will share with you Joe!" This is a HUGE milestone for Jacob and I gave him a very big hug and told him how proud I was that he wanted to share with his brother.

Denbigh -
well she's just precious.  what more is there to say??!!