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Monday, August 30, 2010

5 months old!

Baby Jacob is 5 months old today! He is such a sweet baby and breaks into a huge, beaming smile every time he sees his momma, daddy and big brother. He can roll both directions and scoots so it is very hard to keep him confined to his play mat. He has been enjoying his exersaucer and is learning how to play with all the toys. He loves grabbing things and they usually go straight in his mouth. He is very vocal and loves the sound of his voice. He loves "chatting" with his brother. He sits up in his bumbo seat for meals and, in addition to rice cereal, enjoys avocados, sweet potatoes and bananas. He especially loves sweet potatoes and bananas mixed together. Since the addition of solid foods to his diet he has been going to bed at 8 pm with Joseph and getting up around 7 am. We are packing away the 6 month clothes and moving into the 9 month sizes.
He is also very, very, very excited that his little girl cousin is going to be born today. They are going to have so much fun growing up together!